Reed Manufacturing
Engineered Production Machining
Automated Machining | CNC | Automatic Multi-Spindle | Inventory Management | Value-add Services

CNC Machining
Our equipment allows us to machine from around ¼” to 16″ diameter. Our
variety of CNC lathes and mills allow us to machine either simple parts or
complex parts. Our newest addition is a CNC lathe with a gantry loader.

Automatic Screw Machining
We have 6 and 8 spindle automatic screw machines to handle turned parts
from around ½” to 3.5″ diameter.

We know dimensional conformance is critical to you. We’ve invested in the
tools and processes necessary to ensure we can produce your part to print.
In process production inspections are performed to insure conformance to
the print during the manufacturing process.

We utilize automated machinery and have recently begun to implement
robotics to help control costs and to ensure consistency.

Inventory Management
We are willing to run several months’ worth of parts and stock them in our
warehouse and ship as needed. This drives down part cost and reduces
your lead times and helps with those inventory “errors”.

In addition to our in-house value added services we have a network of
vendors that can perform additional services such as plating, anodizing,
heat treating, etc. on your parts so that you receive your parts ready to use.
Need a better machining solution?
Large shop capabilities. Small shop service.
Years in business